#RestoreOurMysticNEPAL by StreetTrotter #nepal

Sometimes, all it takes is just one PRAYER to change everything…

Nepal is in ruins, and so are our hearts. All of us are trying to #SupportNEPAL in our own ways, and StreetTrotter is hoping to send its share of wishes too  with the help of all of you. This initiative does not require you to donate monetary funds, but we ask you to DONATE an IMAGE of NEPAL instead, along with your little PRAYER. 

Since decades, Nepal has been one of the most visited places in Asia, known for its mystical beauty and generous people. Tourists from all over the world have admired its serene beauty, and most of us have listed it on the top of our bucket-lists. But today, with the wake on an unfortunate earthquake, this peaceful place is in ruins. While relief funds have started to reach the villages, for those of us who cannot go out there to help, we can all put together our wishes instead.

If you have ever visited Nepal, and remember it for its beauty, all we ask for is your favorite image of your travel to NEPAL from your memory folders. Send this along your name, year, and a little prayer from your heart. We will then put your contributions together and make it go live for people to read and join with their prayers. This initiative – #RestoreOurMysticalNEPAL will go live on 2nd May 2015. Lets remember together – what our NEPAL looked like, and restore it with your prayers. Because sometimes prayers brings miracles and work faster than actions….

Please email your contributions to streettrotter@gmail.com, as soon as possible. It only takes a while to remember and share.

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StreetTrotter is a Travel, Culture & Lifestyle blog, inspiring people everyday with real stories to look good and travel even better. Founded in 2012 by Shraddha Gupta, Founder & COO, this space is all about experiencing new things in life, be it a daring mountain trek, a frugal backpacking trip, a runway look made local, or simply anything that scares you enough to live a little more deeper.

  1. Pingback:Help Restore Our Mystic NEPAL : Join the Cause | STREETTROTTER

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